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For every company, there is a right marketer that fits it: 5 Types of Marketers Your Company Needs.

Actualizado: 10 feb 2019

I came across an article that caught my eye. It was a comparison of marketing with cooking, and I got intrigued. It started like this:

"Have you ever prepared a meal with a group of people? Each person tends to gravitate towards what they do best. Some folks have impressive knife skills and some love to precisely measure out ingredients. Others shy away from the cooking altogether, preferring to lay out place settings instead. No matter the role, the goal is shared — an enjoyable meal".

After reading it, I couldn't resist sharing it with you guys and give my appreciation in the topic. So, not every company, needs the same marketer or marketing focus. There are 5 types of marketers according to the article:

1-The Advocate: A true tech enthusiast, this marketer truly believes in the company’s product and loves sharing its benefits with customers. In order to do that, they need to work closely with product management — learning what new features and enhancements are coming so they can plan and deliver the go-to-market strategy.

2-The Statistician: Recurring revenue, monthly trials, sales goals… this pro can practically recite these numbers in their sleep. When they are not weighing in on marketing campaigns, you will find them heads down in data — looking for new ways to optimize the budget.

3-The Wordsmith: Words, words, words. This scribe knows how to string the perfect ones together to send the right message with the right tone. They are strategists. It is their job to put together an editorial calendar that aligns with the company’s objectives, making sure each piece of content serves a clear purpose.

4-The Connector: These community builders and social media managers have the ability to connect with people online and keep them engaged. They are skilled at writing short, quippy copy and responding to folks in real time. They are constantly pulling new analytics reports to understand what messages are working so they can better inform the next social calendar and engage with followers.

5-The Protector: Voraciously guards the brand. You might even find them peering over the work of others — ensuring that every marketing activity and piece of communication stays true to the company's core values and identity.

See where are we heading now? Is there really such a thing as too many cooks in the kitchen? Of course not!!! Marketing teams are built around many different talents, so the key is to realize each individual skill, focus and share the goal.

Now, obviously when we talk about small business, they can't have the luxury of affording big marketing teams, so, depending on the company size, they have to find what fits better for them. So I hope this article and my thoughts, helps you to find the right marketer.

Thanks for reading it, and your comments, thoughts, and contribution means more than you know!!! I'm sharing the link to the article so you guys can give it a look, just click the image. Until next time, at the same corner.

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